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After years of battling high blood pressure and anxiety, I was exhausted. My high functioning anxiety was getting increasingly worse, and I was experiencing paralyzing panic attacks. The source of my anxiety was  all of my health concerns. Feeling sluggish, high cholesterol, chest pain, gaining “pandemic” weight, losing motivation, depression, elevated blood pressure, frequent sinus and ear infections, swollen extremities, sleep issues…the list goes on. I was taking blood pressure medicine, anxiety medicine, Advil for constant headaches, gas-x and tums all the time, and other prescribed medicine often due to constant dr visits with a multitude of ailments.

I finally decided to reach out to Becka, and it was the best decision I’ve made for myself. Learning through her was easy. She genuinely rooted for me from the first conversation I had with her. Her knowledge base mixed with her big heart made me confident in the process and comfortable sharing my journey with her. I never felt judged or looked down upon, and she helped me to stop doing that to myself as well. As I learned about gut health, clean eating, and healing my body with nutrition, I also began to heal my mind and my soul. Half of my personal battle is the patterns of thinking I associated with food, and then the habits I had built up for over 3 decades. Becka has helped me to identify and reframe my thinking. Her guidance and support allowed me to feel safe enough to trust myself and to engage in new patterns of thought and nutritional habits. I am grateful for Becka and proud of myself! I have energy, am sleeping through the night, and have discontinued all medication (after consulting with my dr). My blood pressure is normal, I’m down 40ish pounds, less headaches, less acid reflux and no more digestive issues. My anxiety is still a work in progress, but has gotten better. I call this my health journey, and I am not looking for a destination but just to continue traveling. ✨

One Comment

  • Allison, you look fantastic, but more then that is feeling better. Feeling better made me feel more in control, and that encouraged me.

    I’m still working on the prescription drug issue. It seems doctors find it easier to give you a script, pat you on the back and send you on your way rather then really treat the “whole person”……. I’m still working on that too.

    Your success is encouraging. Good luck and keep up the good work.